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The Maxle is a generator fitted to any vehicle axle which generates electricity with each revolution through induction.

Ocean Refuge Cities for Asteroid Impact

An investigation of locations suitable to build refuge cities in ocean trenches in case of asteroid impacts.

Grand Unification Theory

A theory describing a novel solution to Grand Unification Problems.

Time Scaling

An exploration of time scaling with distance.

Dark Matter Solutions

An exploration of dark matter solutions using the creation of mass from spin energy.

Shelled Model of the Nucleus

Einstein posited there were no quanta in nature, that there was a continuum instead and experimental artifact.

Towards a Sentient AI

Some ideas on how to develop a sentient AI.

Polar Shaft Generator

A generator at the South Pole tethered to the moon can be used to transport materials between the two bodies.

Introduction to Modern Physics - a Textbook 

An examination of new theories describing time scaling, matter accretion at singularities and a new approach to Grand Unification Theory.

Cancer & Meat

The link between tumors eaten in meats and tumors created downstream from this action are explored.

HPV and Cancer

An examination in the development of cancers downstream from HPV transmission.

Alzheimer's and Aluminum

Aluminum is found in the core of neurofibrillary tangles at autopsy in Alzheimer's cases. Recommendations for prevention.

Asthma, Diabetes and Tylenol

Asthma is seen downstream from even a single dose of childhood Tylenol, up to 5 years later.  Diabetes is also explored in the context of mistrained immune systems.

Magnetic Cardiac Stimulator

Traditionally cardiac stimulation uses high voltages and leaves burns.

Sneeze into your Shirt

Sneezing or coughing into your hand or sleeve leaves stains on high-contact surfaces.

MikeOn and CamOn

A platform to protect vulnerable populations.

B Vitamins and Mental Illness: Linus Pauling's Orthomolecular Science

Double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling documented remarkable success treating a variety of mental illnesses with B vitamins.

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