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Responding to the Alien Signatures on the Gas Giants Jupiter & Saturn

Jupier 2 poles.gif



6th Planet

Pentagon & Octagon

5th/8 Planets


3rd Planet

The Primer: Polygonal Alien Signatures on Jupiter and Saturn

© 2024 Paul Hallelujah BSCH MTS


  • Sixth planet Saturn's North pole - regular, persistent 29k km-wide Hexagon

  • South pole of 5th/8 planets Jupiter - giant 9k km Pentagon in infrared

  • North pole of 5th/8 planets Jupiter - 14k km-wide Octagon in infrared


We propose to build a giant Triangle on Earth's South pole to signal the Aliens that we have recognized their Primer. If we succeed and initiate Contact we will benefit from their advanced tech. This will take humanity to the stars and beyond.

Mathematician Gauss suggested that if Aliens existed they would use Geometry to signal their presence. He said one way to get their attention might be to create a very large right-angled Triangle using fields of different kinds of grain, for example,

making 3 giant Squares - each contributing one edge to the right Triangle:'s_Pythagorean_right_triangle_proposal


It seems odd that Aliens sign their poles to indicate their planet number. It is even odder

Gauss proposed building a Triangle not knowing what we know from the NASA satellite

images of the poles of Jupiter & Saturn easily found by the modern reader.


What is The Primer?  An invitation to join with each other in peace & make our first steps

into space?  The path to Infinity? Really big places, one would imagine, await humanity.


When we build The Primer Beacon things will move to the next room.


The idea is that the Aliens sign the poles of their respective planets using a Polygon with the same number of sides as their orbital number.


Jupiter: 5th/8 planets - Pentagon (South pole)/Octagon (North pole)

Saturn: 6th planet - Hexagon (North pole)


To get involved in the community of our Solar System we might build a massive Triangle on Earth's South pole. Shall we call this The Beacon?


If the Aliens see we have overcome our differences and correctly deciphered their codex, aka "The Primer", they might come down and help us level the Earth up.


We could potentially inherit from them all the wonderful things promised in the Bible: long (eternal) life & space travel ("heaven").

The scope of building a Beacon is more than 20 years & possibly 50-100 years. We might need to populate the Antarctic. To incentivize this we built a currency, $PRIM. People can live there and transact in $PRIM. 


We might build a giant train track in the shape of the Triangle, with bases at each vertex for living and working. Then we could light up the tracks somehow to make it visible from space.


To help pay for the work we can collect gold which apparently rains down on the sides of

Mount Erebus, a volcano on the continent.


One problem workers in the Antarctic experience is memory loss. After 9 months they tend to get amnesia and have to leave. They think it's due to the long boring stretches of snow ( but it's possible it's actually another thing entirely.


You see the magnetic fields at the South pole are very strong. These affect the brain, degrading memory. To prevent this we need to design helmets, suits and habitats to shield workers from the magnetic fields.  Remember the Faraday Cage:


One can also make use of the magnetic fields in harvesting free energy. Rods could be inserted in the ground to collect this flux and transmit to a battery array. This energy could also then be used to light up the tracks.


Tesla's original work on the transmission of wireless energy using towers is also relevant here.


One could set up a Tesla tower at each vertex in the Triangle.


He showed the availability of free unlimited energy by using long-wavelength ground waves and towers to transmit wirelessly across large distances.






Here in this old video we used this amazing opportunity in an exclusive interview with legend John McAfee, inventor of antivirus (RIP), to feature The Primer research images in the video background.


Note this article incorrectly states that there are no Polygons on the poles of Jupiter. Apparently they never looked in the infrared:'s_hexagon.


Also they propose a mechanism which they believe to be natural. A different opinion is that they simply don't want to admit it could be unnatural, ie made by Aliens, because most academics are quite afraid to be associated with Alien research.


However unlikely it is that the 6th planet has a perfect, regular and persistent Hexagon on its

North pole, it becomes more unlikely once you see the Pentagon and Octagon on 5th/8 planets Jupiter.


Some people think NASA ought to take the lead - we agree. However since it is anathema to them

to be associated with Aliens we are asking who is the next best choice to do something with this? On!'s_North_Pole


This article states correctly that the Pentagon on Jupiter's South pole shifted to a Hexagon but as it was written in Nov 2021 they miss the fact that it actually returned to a Pentagon since that time.


The thought remains - these are Alien signatures. Why did they add a sixth vortex for a brief period? Part of The Primer research suggests that planets can be birthed within the Sun. If so, it's possible a new planet might be coming soon.


This idea is based on the parallels between the Solar System and the atom.  Note atoms often undergo decay events.


There are 2 types of decay events in atoms, Alpha and Beta:


  • Alpha decay involves a nucleus ejecting a Helium particle and is accompanied by a Gamma ray burst.

  • Beta decay involves the ejection of an electron from the nucleus & is also attended by a Gamma ray burst.


The current view on planet formation is from hundreds of years ago, when Immanuel Kant suggested gas around a star whirls around in a disc.


He said the outer regions of the disc are cold and there gas giants are formed. The inner regions he thought were hotter and here rocky planets formed.


The problem with Kant's theory is that recent imaging of far Solar Systems has revealed gas giants far too close to their parent star. These are known as "Hot Jupiters."


A professor in Astronomy at Queen's University in Canada once said these are close to their suns due to orbits shifting inwards. Another opinion is that, to the contrary, these gas giants are formed within their parent stars then ejected much like the Alpha decay process in atoms.


Similarly rocky worlds are formed inside their parent stars then ejected like with Beta decay events.


What happens to a Solar System when such births take place? Just as with atomic decay events, a burst of energy likely attends which may well consume the inner worlds in flames.


This would explain the Bible's prophecy that the world will end "in fire."


As we read people who survive into the next age will play harps on a "glassy sea."


As you may know, the crust of the Earth is over 90% silicon dioxide - sand. What happens when sand is heated? It turns to glass!


Here you can see by November 2021 the Pentagon has returned. The above wiki article, though written in the same month, references older images (2019):


This was the state in 2019:


This was in 2022 - confirming that the Pentagon had returned by then.


One problem, however, with our Astronomy prof's idea that planets fall in towards their stars is that it's far more likely that they actually fall away with time. This is called orbital decay.


This involves a reduction in mass of the parent star over time as it converts to energy in the fusion process which fuels stars in general.


Gemini AI explains:


"Yes, the orbitals of planets in a star system can decay over time as the star's mass is reduced through nuclear fusion. This is because a star's gravity weakens as it loses mass, causing planets to gradually spiral outward in their orbits. The rate of orbital decay depends on the amount of mass the star loses and the initial orbital distances of the planets."


This gets one thinking about the potential shift in the Goldilocks Zone - the place in the solar system which allows for life. Not too hot, not too cold.






Earth currently resides in the Goldilocks Zone.


But if we reverse the clock it is apparent that Mars once inhabited the Goldilocks Zone. It also becomes apparent that Venus will someday be the planet where life is possible.


Looking at Genesis 6:1-4 we read men came down from the sky. Of note:


1) they were taller than humans;

2) they married human women and produced viable offspring.


If in fact Mars was the "old Earth" and the people there progressed to space it is possible they seeded the Earth with life.


What is of note that they successfully interbred with humans. This is only possible if we share the same genetic code.


Why were they so tall? Mars gravity is 1/3 that of Earth.


Moving on, we read Jesus promised a "new heaven and a new Earth." He also said we would inherit "the Morning Star". You can confirm this is Venus. For centuries before advanced telescopes, theologians and scientists looked to Venus expecting to see angels flying with harps & Doric columns.


But Venus is the hell planet. It's over 460 degrees C at the surface - lead melts there. It's hardly suitable for life.


One thing however - 50 km above the surface of Venus in the clouds the temperature is 25 degrees C and the pressure is 1 atm.


This is perfect for any bacteria or other small life forms to live and thrive. Indeed we see in the clouds of Venus a seasonality which might be attributed to life. The clouds are sometimes purple, sometimes green.


Remember the Russians sent probes to Venus - Venera 4 was the first to penetrate the clouds in 1967.


In those days people did not consider contamination. So bugs on the craft may have infected the clouds. Of particular interest is the tardigrade. This tiny creature is so hardy it can survive space travel. Inside its gut is a veritable zoo: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa. A new Genesis.


Now the atmosphere of Venus is largely Carbon Dioxide, also Methane. It's of note that some bacteria thrive on this. They metabolize these noxious gasses and produce water and O2 as byproducts.


It is clearly the case that colonization & terraforming of Venus have already begun. After a few million years of these bugs making water oceans will form.


Now what about the long days of Creation? We note that Venus is nearly tidally locked. That is, one face always faces the Sun. So a day there is like 2 years long. It's the same with our moon, it has no sizable satellite so it remains tidally locked with respect to the Earth.




Why is this necessary? Quite possibly in the early stages of terraforming superheating allows outgassing of the fundamental materials needed by the bugs to thrive.


Now. What breaks tidal lock? A moon!


If a moon is introduced to Venus long days will turn to short ones. Then ocean tides will begin, which some believe are fundamental to the process of Creation.


So now, what about Earth? Was it once tidally locked too? This would explain the long days of Creation...


And where did the moon come from? Where will the moon of Venus come from?


Again we look to the Bible.


In Revelations we read:


A New Heaven and a New Earth


1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2 I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.


3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying:


“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God.


4 ‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,’ and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.”


5 And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” 6 And He told me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life. 7 The one who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son.


8 But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”


The New Jerusalem


9 Then one of the seven angels with the seven bowls full of the seven final plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”


10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the holy city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, 11 shining with the glory of God. Its radiance was like a most precious jewel, like a jasper, as clear as crystal. 12 The city had a great and high wall with twelve gates inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, and twelve angels at the gates. 13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south, and three on the west. 14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations bearing the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.


15 The angel who spoke with me had a golden measuring rod to measure the city and its gates and walls. 16 The city lies foursquare, with its width the same as its length. And he measured the city with the rod, and all its dimensions were equal—12,000 stadia in length and width and height. 17 And he measured its wall to be 144 cubits, by the human measure the angel was using.


How big is this? It's about 2200 km, the size of the moon. Note he gives the dimensions in human measures. It's not a metaphor.


So we who are redeemed will go up to a moon-sized spacecraft.


We will live in it with God:


1) this moon - the New Jerusalem - will migrate to Venus where we will become the Watchers of the new heaven (sky) and new Earth;

2) the old Earth - Mars - went through a similar redemption story and those who were saved came to Earth and currently live on the moon.


Crazy right?


But did you ever notice:


1) the moon is exactly the right distance from Earth to just block out the sun? The odds are astronomically against such a coincidence;



2) the length of the lunar cycle is 28 days. Now look at your hands. You have on your 10 fingers,a total of 28 segments.

Coincidence or signature?;

3) you have on each hand 12 segments total on the 4 fingers. There are oddly 12 moonths and 4 seasons;

4) the Bible says "you have inscribed me upon your hands" Isaiah 49:16.


What many people don't know is when the USA landed on the moon in 1969,

Buzz Aldrin said he saw aliens across the crater:



One might ask why we've never returned.  Possibly they instructed humans not to return.


We can test the theory of the Decay Model of Planetary Formation by:


1) watching the sky for energy bursts - possibly fast radio bursts are the proper frequency for such events;


2) checking the star where FRBs occur for evidence of a new planet - typically the dip in light when a planet crosses in front of its star is useful here:


Here is an older version of this work, with some added theories you may find of interest:

Alpha decay
Beta decay
Goldilocks zone
Tidal locking
28 Hand segments
Fast radio bursts
Transit Method
Hot Jupiter
Hexagon Saturn
Wardenclyffe Tower Tesla
Gauss Fields Triangle
Skies Open
Venera 4
The Primer Beacon
Alien Dance
Man Dancing
Jupiter's Poles IR
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